Free Traffic Source List
Here are some safelist websites you can promote your website for free.
Other Tools I personally use
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There are other traffic sources out there. this is just to help you get started.
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How I conquered my “fear of the camera”
Hi, my friend,
I was always jealous of marketers who could look into a webcam and deliver a marketing message — and carry it off with style.
Whenever I tried it, I felt exposed, like a bullfighter facing a bull. His eyes glared. Just waiting for you to make a mistake. Did I mention that I’m a bit camera-shy?
But then it occurred to me. All the top marketers show their faces to the camera, so their followers can have a one-on-one experience with them. And not just the marketing superstars but everyday business people too.
I mentioned my camera shyness to a friend. He said I was too focused on myself. And he was right. I needed to focus on my message — and my audience. So rather than just staring into the camera, I decided to involve others using videoconferencing.
As I began my search for a service, my first reaction was “sticker shock.” But as I tried cheaper alternatives, I found that quality was a problem. The idea of glitches added to my anxiety.
That was around the time my email service provider, GetResponse, introduced a webinar add-on. I found I could upgrade to the Pro package, which includes webinars, for just a few extra bucks per month. So I did it!
For my first experiment, I invited a few of my clients to preview something I’ve been working on. GetResponse Pro enabled me to bring up my email marketing list and choose people to invite — very easy. And my invitees accepted.
And what was my topic? Videoconferencing 🙂
So my small group enjoyed checking out the various features. We took turns in front of the camera — up to three of us at a time. Soon we were all involved, taking turns using the presentation screen, whiteboard, chat, and video player.
And we took turns leading the meeting. I noticed that my clients were just as camera-shy as I was. It’s only human. Gradually, we forgot our self-consciousness and just enjoyed ourselves.
Want to know the hardest part? You have to remember to click the “record” button. But I did it! And when I reviewed the recording afterward, I found I didn’t look nearly as awkward as I thought. And as the meeting progressed, I relaxed more and more.
Now I use it for everything. I can:
Invite followers to an online demo to introduce my business. Deliver a sales talk to a small (or not-so-small) group of prospects. Train new clients to use products I sell. Collaborate on marketing projects with online partners. Offer free webinar recordings to build interest. Package in-depth webinars into educational courses. Videoconferencing is now an important part of my marketing and sales funnel. Prospecting is easier and more enjoyable. Online sales presentations help me close more sales. Training classes are easier on everybody’s schedule.
I’m able to do more business in less time, thanks to videoconferencing.
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And let me know what you think.
Best regards,
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This tool is perfect for beginners:
What you get when you sign up.
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There are more free traffic sources out there.
I hope you like this guide on free traffic source list